Pack Hike

After much debate, the SCA 2024 Show Committee has decided to not offer a Pack Hike.

Corpus Christi can be hot and humid. When viewing data from 10/21/23 in Corpus Christi, there was 100% humidity with a 68 degrees dewpoint and 68 degrees temperature at 7:00 AM (the start time for the hike). So although the temperature was actually 68 degrees, the 100% humidity made it already feel like 75 degrees at 7:00 AM. We are fearful that dogs will suffer and be unable to walk 5 miles comfortably.

Please join us instead on Monday, 10/21/24, at the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds. You can play with your dog as we offer Farm Dog, Fetch and Fast CAT. For more information, look under Dog Events in the main menu.