Show Committee

Your 2024 National Samoyed Specialty Committee has been working very hard to put together the best event ever!  If you’re in need of something, have a question we haven’t covered, or just want to thank them for their hard work, feel free to reach out to any of the committee chairs.

Role Name Email Address
Show Chair Beth Riley
Asst. Show Chair Erica Flahaut
Agility Mary Drexler
Art Show Lizzie Pham
Auctioneer Gary Griffin
Auctions (Live & Silent) Jane Emmel
Banquets Paula Exline
Cardiac Clinic Kathy Bube
CGC, CGCA, Trick Dog Jane Adams
Décor, Auction Banquet Karen McFarlane, Lori Elvera
Décor, Awards Banquet Beth Riley
Décor, Site Lori Elvera
Dog Wash Lance Rankin
Farm Dog Lizzie Pham
Elements of the Standard Tim Dubois
FastCAT Rod Martin
Fetch Test Betsy Powers
Grounds, Show Site Steve Exline
Grounds, Hotel Jim Areges
Hospitality Marijean Zacha
Judges’ Hospitality Anita O’Berg
Obedience Lisa Peterson
Parade of Titleholders Anne Kikukawa
Pedigree Book & Advertising Cindy Hill
Pee Wee Heidi “Scooter” Nieman
Rally Judy Mears
Registration Erica & John Flahaut
Rescue Parade Showcase Steve Baker
Reserved Grooming Beth Tallentire
Ring Stewards Toni & Tom Maurer
Rosettes Anne Kikukawa
RV Bob Sencenbaugh
Sashes Jill Crisp
Social Media Lori Elvera, Merrilee D’Antonio
Top 20 Karen McFarlane
Treasurer Kathleen Farlow
Trophies Beth Riley, Erin Thompson
Vendors Sheila Herrmann
Ways & Means Beth Riley, Erica Flahaut
Webmaster Katie Dubois
Weight Pull Robin Clark
Welcome Party Karen Brooks-Hodges