Dog Show Newbies

Are You New to the Sport of Dog Shows?

We were all new to dog shows at one time.  Long-time exhibitors have learned a few tricks of the trade that might help you better enjoy our National Specialty. 

  • Bring two crates per dog; one to leave in the hotel room (your dog is required to be crated when you’re out of the room) and one to leave at the show site.
  • Bring a blanket or sheet to throw over the hotel bed and chair. It’s polite to not leave dog hair in the hotel plus it protects the furniture in case of accidents and could save the loss of your pet deposit.
  • Do NOT bathe dogs at the hotel. It is not allowed. There are nice bathing facilities and free shampoo indoors at the show site.

  • If you plan to blow dry your dog at the show, bring a 20 ft. long extension cord. Electricity is provided but cords are not.

  • Put plastic sheeting under crates in the hotel. In case of an accident while in the crate, plastic sheeting could protect the carpet and save the loss of your pet deposit.
  • Consider bringing water from home for your dog or only giving it bottled water while traveling. Just as changing your dog’s food can upset its stomach, some dogs are sensitive to changes in water.
  • Always travel with Imodium for your dog. Most agree on a dosage of one 2-milligram pill per 40 pounds of body weight two to three times a day.
  • Remember to bring a show lead for your dog plus a longer lead for exercising/walking your dog.
  • Always have poop bags in your pocket or purse.

We want you to have a fun and successful experience in Corpus Christi.  Contact Judy Mears,  She will put you in touch with someone who can help with questions regarding entries, the superintendent, exhibiting your dog, grooming, grooming spaces, or anything else you’re unclear about.  And if you’d enjoy meeting an experienced Samoyed breeder and being mentored in person at the show, Judy can make that happen too!