CGC/Trick Dog

Date: Thursday, 10/24/24

Tester: Jane Adams

Entry Fee: $15

Details below. Click on one of the links below to register.

CGC – Canine Good Citizen

The CGC program is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. It stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. There are no age minimums or limits for participating in the Canine Good Citizen program, because yes, you can always teach an old dog new tricks!

Upon successful completion of a test, you will be provided with the appropriate form to mail to the AKC (with a fee) and the title will be added to the end of your dog’s name!

At our National, we are offering all levels of CGC testing. 

CGC and CGCA testing: 

9:00 – 12:00 on Thursday, 10/24/24, at our show site, the American Bank Center. Please choose a time slot when registering (click button below to register.)

A limited number of special appointments will be available for CGCU – please contact our CGC evaluator, Jane Adams, at for reservations for CGCU.

All levels of CGC tests are $15 per dog. No Walk-ins accepted. 

All breeds are welcome. Samoyeds given preference.
Below are links to the requirements for each CGC level:

CGC Canine Good Citizen

CGCA Community Canine

CGC Urban Canine

Trick Dog

Our Samoyeds are smart!  Teaching them to do tricks not only keeps their minds busy, but it can earn you and your furry companion a trick dog title!  At our National, we are offering all levels of Trick Dog testing.  Jane Adams,, will be our Trick Dog evaluator. Upon successful completion of a test, you will be provided with the appropriate form to mail to the AKC (with a fee) and the title will be added to the end of your dog’s name!

Trick Dog Testing: 

1:00 – 4:30 on Thursday, 10/24/24, at our show site, the American Bank Center.  Please choose a time slot when registering (click button below to register.)  

All Trick Dog events are $15 per dog.  No Walk-ins accepted.  Please note you will need to provide any props needed.

All breeds are welcome. Samoyeds given preference.

Below is a link to the AKC Trick Dog site as well as links to each Trick Dog level to be tested at our national.

AKC Trick Dog

Trick Dog Novice

Trick Dog Intermediate

Trick Dog Advanced